Paullin Law paralegal Crystal Vehouc

Paullin Law paralegal Crystal Vehouc

We are pleased to announce that our Paullin Law paralegal, Crystal Vehouc has joined R.L.S.A. (The Richmond Association for Legal Professionals), and division of V.A.L.S., ( the Virginia Association for Legal Professionals), as well as the National Association of Legal Secretaries.

In April 2016, Crystal Vehouc attended the annual V.A.L.S. convention in Virginia Beach, Virginia and won the “first timer’s award” for Richmond.  Crystal is serving on the Technology Committee for  V.A.L.S ., and will be assisting as co-chair for the 2018 State V.A.L.S. convention in Fredericksburg, Virginia.

We are excited and proud of Crystal for working diligently towards her professional development.2015 Christmas card office photo


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