12 Nov U.V.A. Court Litigation Clinic takes firearm and property rights question to the U.S. Supreme Court
Congratulations to the law students at the University of Virginia Supreme Court Litigation Clinic. As a result of their hard work, intensive research and diligence, the U.S. Supreme Court has agreed to hear a case on the issue of what property interest a convicted felon has in firearms that he/she is no longer permitted by law to possess. Many jurisdictions, including Virginia, prohibit the possession of a firearm by a person who has been convicted of a felony. The penalties for violating these firearm laws can be severe. In Virginia, depending on the facts and circumstances of a case, a felon who possesses a firearm could be sentenced to mandatory incarceration in a state prison. This upcoming U.S. Supreme Court case being argued by the U.V.A. Clinic should provide guidance to persons recently convicted of a felony offense as to what property rights they have in their legally owned firearms and how these firearms can be disposed of and/or transferred after a felony conviction. The law students at the University of Virginia Supreme Court Litigation Clinic deserve a great deal of credit for discovering this issue and championing the question all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court.
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