03 Mar What to do if you have been in an accident in Richmond, VA?
A personal injury case is a civil matter in which a party is seeking compensation for injuries they received usually through the negligence or recklessness of another person. Whether that other person is responsible for your injuries depends on whether you can prove they were the cause of your injuries and also that you were in no way responsible. Virginia is one of the few states that follows the doctrine of contributory negligence, which holds that if you are even 1% liable for the incident that caused your injuries you can be barred from recovering compensation.
If you believe you have been injured through the fault of someone else, you should consider contacting a Richmond, Virginia personal injury attorney to help assess your claim and insure your rights are protected. Additionally, the following actions can increase the likelihood that you will be able to recover for injures received through the fault of another:
- First and foremost, seek appropriate medical care for your injuries.
- Take notes on everything you can remember about the incident in which you were injured, including any conversations you were a part of or overheard at the scene.
- Note the name and badge name of any officers present at the scene.
- Note the name and contact information of any possible witnesses to the accident.
- Take photos/videos of physical objects and locations relevant to the incident.
It is important to bring all of this information to a consultation with a Richmond, Virginia personal injury attorney, who can advise you as to whether you have a claim, what the legal process looks like, and the potential range of your recovery.
If you can prove someone else if responsible for your injuries, it is possible to recover for your medical expenses, lost income/wages, future medical expenses, pain and suffering, and stress/embarrassment/strain on familial relationships.
If you have been involved in accident don’t face an uncertain future alone, contact an experienced personal injury attorney at the Paullin Law Firm at 804-423-7423.