29 Sep How an Attorney Can Help With Your Car Crash
Have you been hurt or your property damaged in a car crash in Richmond, VA? If so, you’re undoubtedly under a lot of stress and undergoing some emotional upheaval. Your vehicle is damaged, you may be grappling with injuries of your own and the situation will worsen if you have to miss work.
Should you contact an attorney?
Whether or not you are found responsible for the crash, contacting an attorney will be beneficial. A little background: in Virginia, if you’re at fault, you request reimbursement for losses through your insurance policy. If you were driving someone else’s car, you might have to make a claim through that person’s insurance., If you are not at fault, you will request payment through the other driver’s insurer. If you suffer a personal injuries, then medical payments coverage may be an option. This coverage pays up to a set limit for medical bills incurred while you are in the vehicle. The Uninsured motorist coverage of your policy or the car you are driving’s policy is triggered if you were hit by a driver who lacks insurance or who has less coverage than the amount of your medical bills.
Insurance companies exist to make a profit for their shareholders or members. While they have funny commercials and sponsor events, their claim adjusters are trained to negotiate the best deal that they can for the insurance company and their insured. Since injured people are on the other side of these negotiations, they often get less than a fair settlement. IN order to “level the playing field”, you should contact an attorney so that you can devote your energy, time and expertise to making a full recovery, complying with your doctor’s or physical therapist’s treatment and let your lawyer seek fair compensation from the insurance company
Is an attorney always needed?
An attorney frequently comes into play when the insurance company throws up roadblock after roadblock. Also, if you decide to file a lawsuit for general damages—like if your vision has been compromised—you need a personal injury attorney. Your attorney works with the insurance company to get you a fair settlement to help pay your medical bills, recover your lost wages, and cover your other losses in order to compensate you for your suffering.
What an attorney does for you!
An attorney will help you in many ways! To name a few, an attorney will name all necessary parties in a lawsuit – people or companies that you may have missed. Your attorney will also calculate the comprehensive damages you need to request. An attorney also makes sure you meet all deadlines.
Be aware of the statute of limitations
Speaking of deadlines, make sure you give yourself plenty of time to take legal action. The statute of limitations in Virginia as of 2015 says that you have two years from the date of the accident to file a personal-injury case, and five years to file for property damages. If you’re pursuing a wrongful-death case, you have two years to file. If you miss these deadlines, you risk your lawsuit being dismissed. If a deadline is coming up, contact an attorney as soon as possible.
How an Attorney Can Help With Your Car Crash